So, I've decided to rectify that today by sharing some of my highlights for 2008, and the areas I want to channel some energy into to make 2009 a fantastic year! Here you go:
- Being selected as a national facilitator for Turning the Page on behalf of the Public Library Association, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - traveling the country, meeting lots of FUN librarians, working with a great group of dynamic facilitators and cool PLA staff
- Leading two Stress Management sessions at the JI Group Good Life Festival & Retreat in St. Maarten - enough said!
- Co-sponsoring Get Canned! 2008 with Suzanne and the team from Milk & Honey Events - volunteering my coaching skills at a fun event to help job seekers and networkers who attended in the snow!
- Having an InStep facilitator teach two more successful Public Speaking courses for OBT - watching the trainees speak from the heart at the Debate Days is always a great reminder of why our public sector clients need our support
Areas to focus on for 2009 (FYI, these are based on my results from taking the Competent Advantage TM Business Assessment [yes, Coach Colette does "walk the talk"]):
- Creating an action-oriented plan to attract more revenues in 2009
- Creating an action-oriented plan to market our services more effectively in 2009
- Regularly requesting feedback from my peers, clients in 2009
On a personal note, I'm still working on the Passion Test. I must admit that what they say about the "cognitive dissonance" that's created by introducing new ideas to the brain is true [quoted from PT, introduced by neuroscientists Waldman & Newberg]. Of course, this all makes sense -- just re-wiring my brain to believe this is OK, LOL! :)
I'd still love to hear your insights and reflections on 2008, plans for 2009. Please post here or tweet me @Coach_Colette.