Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Inspiration to Pursue Your Childhood Dreams

Last evening, I opened a link I'd received to the Last Lecture given by Randy Pausch, the esteemed Computer Science professor from Carnegie Mellon University who recently passed away due to pancreatic cancer. I couldn't believe how touched I was, on so many levels, by his commentary on life.

On a personal level, watching the connection between he and his wife caused me to wonder when I'll be blessed with such a great love. I also was re-inspired by his suggestion to "wait long enough and people will eventually impress you." In all honesty, patience is one virtue I consistently must cultivate; however, there have been times when giving people a little more time and space has worked out well.

On a professional level, I was intrigued by many concepts -- including the head fake [the concept of "tricking" people into learning complex things by teaching them something else fun and engaging]. As a trainer and even a coach, that premise resonates really well with me -- how can I help people have their "A-HA!" moments without making it so obvious that that's what I'm aiming to do?

I also relished his ironic interpretation of challenges and obstacles: "Brick walls are there to let us prove how badly we want something." There's something so basic in this concept and yet so compelling. How often have we scaled different "walls" despite our fears or reluctance? Or, when have we walked around other "walls" because they really have blocked the path to our true desires?

All in all, Randy's consistent dedication to helping his students and colleagues to pursue their childhood dreams is inspiring. The manifestation of my childhood "dream job" has changed a bit; although it's still in the realm of helping people. This became clearer to me as I was writing the purpose statement for my company about five years ago [to help people use their knowledge and abilities to achieve great things]. Although, I still believe I'm on a journey to find my ultimate purpose in life ... but, enough of my rambles (for now).
  • What are your dreams?
  • How are you pursuing them?
  • Are you scaling the "walls" that get in your way?
  • What "head fakes" have helped you have your A-HA! moments?

Do watch the video when you have the chance. And, thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Colette is On the Radio - July 30th & 31st

Happy Friday! Hope you're getting ready for a fun-filled, relaxing weekend. I'm excited to report that next week I'll be a featured guest on TWO radio shows!

Next Wednesday, July 30 at 6:00 PM EDT, I'll be chatting with Sharlene Gordon on W-E Talk Radio. The "W-E" stands for Women's Empowerment; and, the network aims to provide informative, interactive, empowering and engaging topics of discussion for women all over the globe to participate in, learn from and grow. On the show, I'll be discussing components of the Competent Advantage TM program, and sharing tips on how you can become a "master chameleon." Since it's being hosted by Blog Talk Radio, you'll be able to listen online and dial-in to ask questions and share your success stories. Call us at (646) 652-2878 next Wednesday!

Next Thursday, July 31 at 7:00 PM EDT, I'll be joining Jessie Cheung on Doctor Radio on Sirius Channel 114. Doctor Radio is powered by the NYU Medical Center and provides real medical information delivered in a down-to-earth-style. On the show, I'll be discussing components of the Work-Life Balance program, and sharing tips on how you can manage your stress in our fast-paced world. Since it's being hosted by Sirius, you'll be able to listen online (if you sign up for their FREE 3-Day Trial) and dial-in to ask questions and share your stories. Call us at 1-877-NYU-DOCS next Thursday!

Looking forward to chatting with you on the radio next week! :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Summer is HOT! Cool Off with the Right Foods

Perfect timing to release my new podcast with Meredith Sobel of Sobel Wellness about cool foods! It's expected to be 90+ degrees here in New York this weekend. Did you know that the foods you eat may actually make you feel warmer?

In this podcast, Meredith and I discuss “cooling” foods – whose properties can actually help cool your body temperature and make you more comfortable. And, when you feel more comfortable, you often are less irritated and stressed out. We also talk about ways to take advantage of seasonal fruits and veggies, and share some more tips on maintaining healthy eating patterns.

I often find in the summer it's easier to eat healthily because the heat reduces my appetite a bit. And, I love having salads with lots of fun ingredients -- sometimes from those "create your own" salad bars. And it's easy to include fruits -- although nothing can top buying fresh mango slices while sitting on the beach in Tulum, Mexico! ahhh .....

What's your favorite summer food? Take a listen to our podcast and let me know what you think! :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

What are the Economics of Love?

Hope you had a great weekend! I attended a Bastille Day celebration on Smith Street in Brooklyn yesterday.

I thought I'd share a link to an article by Ben Stein in yesterday's New York Times about the "Economics of Love." In it, he makes comparisons between high-quality bonds and high-quality love (i.e., stay away from the "junk" in both situations!).

I guess I found it a bit ironic to receive the article link from a friend today, given my recent podcast and last blog post about managing the stress of urban dating. Of course, when we focus on something, it becomes almost inevitable that everything we see/hear seems somehow related. Perhaps this is more of a personal journey than I'd like to admit!

In my life balance board on MOLI, I've posed a similar question: how do you maintain the balance between your business and social (personal) life? I've talked about my challenge of taking off my coach hat when I go to social functions.

I'm wondering if this is a unique challenge for entrepreneurs/business owners; or does everyone have various hats (or maybe masks) that they wear to protect themselves in social settings??

Monday, July 07, 2008

Summer Dating is an Adventure - Don't Get Stressed Out!

Hope you had a wonderful July 4th weekend! I'm excited about my new podcast with Andrea Varano, Director of NY Operations for Meet Market Adventures.

It occurred to me that many of my work-life balance posts and podcasts have focused on the professional or "work" side of the equation. Perhaps that's because I come into this work from the Training & Career Development world.

So, I began to think: What areas on the "life" side can often cause people stress? DUH! How about meeting new people -- whether it's on the personal side of dating or on the social side of networking and making new friends. Urban dating (and socializing) is an adventure! That's why it's great to have groups like Meet Market Adventures who organize structured activities like white water rafting -- at least it takes the stress of planning out of the equation. Then, you can focus on getting there ... and, of course, what you'll wear! [Check out the podcast for Andrea's funny anecdote about attire/makeup for a jogging event.]

We all know that our personal networks can be a source of support in our fast-paced, hectic world. Yet, attracting the right people into our personal network can sometimes be a challenge. In this podcast, Andrea and I discuss tips to manage your expectations when you meet new people at social events and hints on how to make yourself more attractive to potential friends and mates. I also talk about my BOLD move of attending MMA events alone -- which Andrea thinks can be a good strategy.

If you’re a reader/listener in the New York City area, do keep Thursday, July 24th at 6:00 PM open for the next Meet Market Adventures Singles After-Work mixer at Duvet Lounge. You’ll have an opportunity to mingle, meet and network with over 300 singles in a "hip" setting. Andrea and her team will have some fun icebreaker activities so you can practice the suggestions we discuss on our podcast! Arrive early and your name will be entered in their Grand Prize Draw of an all expense paid White Water Rafting Trip.

Sign up on their website for and take advantage of this interactive evening of contests, prizes, food & dancing, for only $19.99. This is definitely a party you won't want to miss!