Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tap Your Way to Less Stress, Better Health

I just had an amazing experience at a workshop I went to last week to learn a technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

EFT (sometimes known as “Tapping”) involves tapping on a series of acupuncture meridian points on the face and body while repeating certain phrases to clear negative emotions and painful sensations. Tapping in this structured way helps to clear energy blockages and release stresses deep within the body.

In fact, it goes far further than this; EFT can be used to improve many areas of your life and health. Empirical and evidence-based research has shown that EFT has helped people to overcome anxiety, stress, panic attacks, PTSD, fears and other phobias; as well as to achieve weight loss and eliminate food cravings. Such compelling results for such an easy, user-friendly technique -- it's priceless!

I came across EFT early this year through an online tapping summit, as I was seeking out new body-mind-spirit healing techniques. This summer, I decided to purchase the EFT Manual by Gary Craig to guide me through learning this fantastic technique. Gary Craig is a Stanford-trained engineer who developed the EFT process in the early 1990's based on his study of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) with Dr. Roger Callahan.

As I read through the EFT Manual and began tapping, I became more and more interested in learning how I might include EFT into my own stress management practice. This led me to explore various EFT websites to find out about training and certification programs. Lo and behold, I found the amazing EFT Master Trainer, Practitioner, and course leader Peter Donn

Peter came all the way to NYC from London last week to lead an exciting 2-day Level 1 EFT Training! As well as having my own powerful experiences, I personally witnessed many participants’ past traumas dissolving (likely permanently) over the course of 30 minutes work with Peter, as well as physical symptoms being relieved in as little as 5-15 minutes. 

I'll keep you posted as I continue to use EFT to heal myself and as I work towards my EFT certification -- my next step is Level 2 Training. I'll also be including EFT into my coaching sessions and training workshops in the coming weeks and months. Let's TAP our way to less stress, better health, and emotional freedom!! 

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Coach Colette Says Relax on August 15

Did you know that August 15 is National Relaxation Day? What will YOU do to calm and quiet your mind? 

To ease your anxiety and release your tension, why not join me for a (free) Guided Meditation session?! I'll be guiding you based on meditation principles I learned from my training in Coping with Work & Family Stress

With all of the emails, IM's, FB posts, texts, tweets, voice-mails -- don't you deserve some ME-time to relax, unwind, and re-group? 

You probably don't need much convincing of the benefits of relaxing and reducing your stress. Just in case, though, here are three health-related reasons:
  1. Your stress is aging you faster -- by damaging critical DNA in your cells
  2. Your stress increases your risk of a heart attack -- by nearly 70% for women
  3. Meditation can ease your stress -- by changing your brain to delay aging and improve health
This Guided Meditation session is my gift to you. Will you accept and sign up today? 

Know that I'm rooting for you and support your intention to relax so that you can achieve your biggest dreams and create the fulfilled, joyful, and purposeful life you want to live! 

I look forward to "seeing" you next Wednesday, August 15 ... meet me in the gap.

Monday, August 06, 2012

Keep a Photo Journal to Reduce Your Stress

Did you know that journaling can help reduce stress? Studies have shown that journal writing has led to reduced anxiety, worry and depression.

Yet, sometimes even words aren't enough to fully express your emotions, thoughts -- let alone to fully document your goals or vision. Like they say ... a picture is worth 1,000 words!

Wouldn't it be great to have a site that allowed you to photo journal your goals and start your vision board?

I'm so excited to let you know about a NEW photo journal and vision board tool created by ShutterCal!

ShutterCal is an online, calendar-based daily photo journal (and vision board!).

As a coach, I think it's really important to keep track of your goals, intentions, and life vision -- for your own accountability and to get support from your network of champions and advisers.

Let's say you've set a goal in the next 30 days to lose 10 pounds, or to get physically active at least 4 days per week, or to meet 15 new people to expand your network, or to do ANYTHING that's important to you!

You can use your photo-a-day journal to track your goals in a creative and FUN way. It just means taking a moment each day to:

  • STOP

ShutterCal will keep your photo journal / vision board organized. The ShutterCal community will keep you inspired with comments and feedback. And, through your daily photos, you will watch your story unfold into something truly amazing!

Deepak Chopra says: "Whatever you pay attention to will grow more important in your life." Use ShutterCal to pay attention to something you care about -- and create a visual timeline of your best moments!

Check out the site and let me know in the comments area below what you think -- and share your link when you sign up so I can watch your story unfold!

PS -- since the ShutterCal team and I are all LEAN Startup Weekend graduates, I'm able to offer you a 5% discount on their digital membership and a 10% discount on their print membership!!

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Manage Your Work Stress: NEW Video

We all know that managing stress is super important since stress can impact every aspect of our health and well-being. Yet, finding creative and FUN ways to relieve your stress sometimes can be a challenge. This is where health and stress management coaches come in!

If you've ever wondered how we help our client companies and organizations to make healthy, stress-free living FUN for their employees, the video below is for you!

Watch this interview on Beyond Focus TV in which I share real answers to some tough questions about we help entrepreneurs to manage stress during business launches, and assist corporations to develop engaging wellness programs -- and even guide job seekers to calm their anxiety during their transition.

Let me know what you think and share your ideas in the comments area below.

Just in case you're curious, the mission of Beyond Focus TV is to inspire, educate, inform and empower the Brooklyn community through sharing commonalities and giving voice to their concerns.

Beyond Focus TV is hosted by Angie Daniel every Tuesday at 10:00 pm ET on BCAT in New York City [Time Warner: 35, Cablevision: 68, RCN: 82, Verizon: 42]