As you look back on 2006, how would you rate your professional accomplishments?
- What were the high-lights? As strange as it may seem, it’s important to take note of things that you did well. Don’t be shy – write them down! Why? Because these descriptions can come in handy later (in a performance discussion with your manager, or in an interview with a recruiter).
- What were the low-lights? It’s just as important to keep track of the things that didn’t go quite as well as you would’ve hoped. Why? Having a clear sense of what areas you’d to like improve can help you focus and channel your energies.
Based on your reflection, what professional goals will you set for 2007?
When you get back from the holidays, we'll be ready to help you start the year STRONG!
Sign up for our newsletter (box to your right) so you can get registration details for my two-part January teleclass series: Work & Money -- The Real Connection in collaboration with Jacquette Timmons & Sterling Investment Management.
Until then, I wish you every happiness this Holiday Season and prosperity in the New Year. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals in 2007!