Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Colette gets “Sirius” about Career Development on March 15th!


On Wednesday, March 15th at 6:00 PM Eastern, I’ll be on Martha Stewart Living Radio revealing tips on how to stay motivated during your career exploration.

You will have three ways to ask me questions and share your experiences:

  1. CALL IN to the show at 1-866-675-6675
  2. POST your question here in the Competent Advantage TM community
  3. EMAIL your question to me at

If I answer your question or share your story on the air, I'll be sure to keep the source confidential unless you tell me otherwise.

If you’re not already a Sirius satellite radio customer, you can sign up for a FREE TRIAL at:

Hope to chat with you on March 15th!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Competent Advantage will be 1-Year Old NEXT MONTH!

It's hard to believe that the Competent Advantage community began with the first post on March 1, 2005! I'm looking forward to another great year of dialogue and information exchange.

Stay tuned for exciting programs and events to celebrate this milestone! This includes my upcoming feature on Martha Stewart Living Radio!

Take care, Colette

Friday, February 03, 2006

Get Motivated with a Quick Change in Scenery

View of Salt Lake City landscape from The Garden at Temple Square (2/2/2006)

In the Competent Advantage TM workshop, we ask: If you had a completely free day, what would you do?

We ask that you reflect on your "free day fantasies" as a first step to discovering your personal motivators and drives. A key goal of the program is to help you align your role/function with your motivators to create opportunities for career success.

"So, what does this have to do with Salt Lake City?", you may ask. Well, a change in scenery often can be motivational. I had the opportunity to visit Salt Lake yesterday on business. I didn't have a completely "free day;" but, I did have time to enjoy my view of the Wasatch mountain range during my lunch break. I walked away from the trip rejuvenated -- open space and great landscapes just do that for me!

How does this align with my career/business?

  1. I am determined to explore ways to develop additional business west of the Mississippi
  2. And, I took advantage of a new technology -- mobile blogging -- to share this picture with you!

How will you leverage your "free day fantasies"?

PS -- I sent this message using PIX-FLIX Messaging service from Verizon Wireless! To learn how you can snap pictures with your wireless phone visit