Thursday, January 31, 2013

NEW Podcast: Is Your Stress Making You Ugly?

You know that stress isn't good for your health, but does it play a part in how you look? You bet it does! Want the good news? It IS possible to "de-stress your skin."

Learn how in my latest podcast with guest, Gorgeous Lifestyle Expert & Celebrity Makeup Artist Nicole Lundy, founder of Ne`lani Beauty.

Your body responds to pressures by releasing stress hormones (such as cortisol, epinephrine and nor-epinephrine that increase your blood pressure, speed your heart rate, and raise your blood sugar levels. This "flight or fight" response is usually self-regulating and likely will subside when you return to a calmer state of mind. Yet, when your stress becomes chronic or constant, it can aggravate and worsen skin conditions, such as acne or eczema.

Tune in to the podcast to hear the telltale signs that stress is having a negative impact on your skin and learn some healthy beauty habits. Not only will you feel a lot better, but you will look a whole lot younger too!

Nicole’s signature 6-step Gorgeous Living Success System is at the core of all of the beauty programs, classes, and products that she creates. She specifically helps professional women to transform their entire beauty regimen, master their makeup techniques, and adopt a skincare regimen that caters to their exact skin type.

If after listening to the podcast, you're interested in learning more about Nicole's NEW 3-Month Gorgeous Living Program, email me or follow/DM me on Twitter and I'll let you know the inside scoop!

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