Wednesday, January 09, 2013

From 3 Words to 1 Word for 2013

Happy 2013! Here's hoping the year is off to a fantastic start for you. I realize there's been a little radio silence here on the blog. Kind of got wrapped up with my wellness event, closing out 2012 projects, and then the holidays. Now, I'm ready to get out there and make things happen!

So far in 2013, I have:

  • Kicked off the year with a 3-day detox that has rejuvenated my taste buds and (hopefully) helped me to let go of any last physical toxins from 2012
  • Started exploring co-working spaces so that I can connect more closely with the NYC start-up and entrepreneur community
  • Wrote my 2013 vision boards ... so far, they are two flip-charts posted on my wall -- I started with a WHY? column this year so that I can connect all of my goals (or WHAT's?) to themes and values that are important to me. These include: "Grow my business" "Experience synergy" "Heal the World" and "Open my home to those I love."

And, now for my 3 Words tradition -- which, this year, I believe has become One Word. For some reason, I've resisted writing about it (which is SO ironic when you see what my word is), as if I've been questioning the universe whether this word was to be my true focus for the year. As in years past, the word came to me during a silent moment towards the end of 2012, and kept resonating with me as we moved into the new year.

So, what is my 2013 word: SURRENDER

Now, you see the irony in all of my previous resistance. First, came thoughts of the (usually) negative connotations of the word: give up, give in, forfeit, forego. And, I began to question: How could I have my focus and vision for the year be so powerless and defeating?

Then, I began to look deeper ... on a more spiritual level for alternative meanings of surrender. According to Deepak Chopra, "Surrender is trusting that God, the Universe, or a higher intelligence can accomplish anything, even when you can’t foresee the outcome of a situation." Imagine that for a type-A person like me (you know the Coach keeps it real!). It's not like I don't know I can't control everything. It's just a reminder to step back, let go, and trust once I've done all I can in a particular situation.

Deepak goes on to say, "By surrendering to Spirit, you end the struggle, freeing yourself from fear and doubt and releasing the obstacles your ego has created." And, I've realized that that's what my spirit is craving -- freedom from doubts, fears (False Evidence Appearing Real), and blocks from flow and ease.

I had the pleasure of hearing Marianne Williamson speak last December on her new book: The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles plus to receive a copy of the book. I've been reading portions of it daily to inspire and motivate me on my journey of SURRENDER, including one of her prayers:
Dear God, I surrender to You my work and my desire for work. I surrender to You my fear, I surrender to You my money, and I surrender to You my debts. I surrender to You my sense of failure and I surrender to you my shame. I surrender to you my dreams and my visions and my hopes. Amen.
Right now, I'm eager to continue on my journey as I know it will not only benefit me but will benefit those with whom I come into contact through brainstorming, chatting, coaching, dining, exploring, hoping, loving, networking, sharing, training, traveling ... and whatever else 2013 has in store for us!

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