Monday, July 11, 2011

Coach Colette Gets 'Savvy' About Self-Awareness

Here is a video featuring my appearance on Brooklyn Savvy TV to discuss ideas in my Focus on Your Vision eBook. Watch as show host and co-executive producer Toni Williams, along with her Savvy panel of women, prompt me to share tips on how you can become more self-aware, flip the script on your negative inner dialogue to help you achieve your BIGGEST dreams.

Brooklyn Savvy allows viewers to participate in substantive and intimate conversations about issues that impact women. Conversations are reminiscent of what you'd have with a close group of friends -- led by a panel of culturally, ethnically diverse of women who share their own insights, perspectives and challenges.

Brooklyn Savvy shows air every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month on Cablevision 69, Time Warner 56, RCN 84 and Verizon 44 in New York City.

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