Friday, August 15, 2008

Get Coached on Work-Life Balance Strategies TOMORROW!

This is a quick reminder that tomorrow (Saturday) is the Craigslist Foundation Nonprofit Boot Camp at NYU. I'll be onsite as a career coach from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM. And, given the statistics I read in an email today, I think we're all in need of some coaching on work-life balance!

According to a survey by AOL, here are some places that people send and receive emails:

· In bed in their pajamas: 67%
· From the bathroom: 59% (up from 53% last year)
· While driving: 50% (up from 37% last year)
· In a bar or club: 39%
· In a business meeting: 38%
· During happy hour: 34%
· While on a date: 25%From church: 15% (up from 12% last year)

OK, the bathroom stat makes me not want to borrow anyone's phone or BlackBerry anytime soon! I'll admit that I've checked email (or more likely texts) while at a bar waiting for someone to arrive [it's that knee-jerk reaction so you don't appear so "alone" while sitting there]. But, on a date? What would Andrea and the folks at MeetMarket Adventures have to say about that one?!

So you know I've written many posts about the challenges of being unplugged. I have noticed an increase in the number of emails I receive after 7:00 PM. Now, truth be told, it may not be an increase in traffic -- just a heightened awareness since now I, too, have a BlackBerry and can see the blinking light when a new message comes through. Although, I typically choose not to respond -- unless I've been on the road or out of the office all day. That's my caveat for evening/night emailing ... what's yours?

And, so, our work-life balance struggle continues. Which of the places above do you check email? What about texting?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hear our FULL Podcasts on

It's recently come to my attention that many of the full podcast recordings were not being broadcasted on our Competent Advantage TM Gcast site. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused both my listeners and guest experts.

The GOOD NEWS is that Gcast is actually owned by GarageBand Records. So, the FULL podcast recordings are available on our "companion" podcast site on GarageBand. The only difference is that my introductions and the expert interviews will likely appear as separate mp3 files.

So, don't give up! Please visit our podcast site on GarageBand and hear recent discussions on cooling summer foods and strategies to beat the stress of urban dating. Turn up your speakers and listen up! :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Do You Power Nap?

Happy Monday! I was channel surfing yesterday (while resting & fighting a cold) and came across HealthCorner TV. They had an interesting segment on Power Napping. According to sleep experts, a 20-minute nap during the day can help boost your memory and productivity.

The discussion centered on the challenges of incorporating naps into the day in a typical corporate, business setting. What would your boss say if s/he found you power-napping under your desk on a yoga mat with a pillow?

I tried to think back to my previous jobs to ponder answers to the question ... very amusing! I had a dedicated office during one of my former positions (as a Director), which would have made the power-nap somewhat more feasible. In my legal/consulting roles, I'm sure the discussion would have somehow come back to billable hours!

Then, I began to consider my current entrepreneurial role, in which I have more flexibility in my schedule. And, yet, I typically only nap during the day if I'm feeling ill. For those of you who work in home-based offices, do you take advantage of your setting to power-nap?

I have been trying to incorporate meditation into my day more regularly, using the audio exercises from our Stress Management CD as well as the Brain Fitness program. Yet, I'm more likely to do so towards the end of the day, as opposed to using it as a refresher during the day. Perhaps I'll consider doing it during my "lunch break" as suggested in the segment. What do you think?

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Colette is Coach at Nonprofit Boot Camp August 16

If you're in the New York area, and are considering a career in the nonprofit sector, I'd highly recommend you join me in attending the Nonprofit Boot Camp sponsored by the Craigslist Foundation on Saturday, August 16 at New York University.

This promises to be a a day of knowledge, resources and networking, all focused on how to start and run a vibrant nonprofit. Nonprofit Boot Camp is designed to educate and empower the next generation of nonprofit leaders and social entrepreneurs. Event highlights include:
  • A choice of over 20 interactive workshops and panels across 5 - 10 educational tracks, covering the essentials of starting and running a nonprofit or social enterprise
  • More than 100 partner organizations, representing virtually every local nonprofit management support resource
  • Appearances and keynote speeches from leading figures

PLUS Individual "Laser Coaching" Sessions -- I'll be one of the coaches available to meet with you between 10:30 AM -12:30 PM to discuss your career strategy.

Your $75 registration fee includes a full day of workshops, keynotes, Exhibit Hall access, one-on-one coaching, and the opportunity to network and collaborate with 1,000 emerging and established nonprofit leaders. Hope to see you there! :)

PS -- if you're on the West Coast, there's a similar event being held on October 18 in San Francisco.