Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Step It Up with Me October 13-26

It's time to Step It Up and get moving! Yes, it's fall in the northern hemisphere. Why not take advantage of the cooler (yet still sunny!) weather (at least here in NYC) to get in more steps outside.

Join our Start Within - Coach Colette team in the Fitbit Step It Up USA Challenge.

Commit to move more: See how many steps you can get in 2 weeks! 
Track your progress: Check your dashboard to see how your activity (walking, running) adds up!

Visit the website to connect your Fitbit; search for and join our Start Within - Coach Colette team. 

Post pictures of yourself as you get moving. Connect with me on Instagram and use the hashtag #StartWithinAre you up for the Challenge?!! :-)

Monday, October 10, 2016

InStep Joins Women's Lab at CSI NYC

This October, I'm proud to announce that InStep Consulting has become one of 40 Founding Members at the Women's Lab at Centre for Social Innovation, a collaborative and supportive workspace and community for social mission organizations benefiting young girls and women.

The Women's Lab will pave the way for focused programming, storytelling of member successes, and access to a vibrant and robust alumni network. CSI is in a position to provide Women's Lab members with targeted connections and even more relevant resources and networks, ultimately accelerating our impact on the world.

Overall, Centre for Social Innovation is a space created exclusively for individuals and organizations with a social mission. I'm so excited to join this thriving community of social entrepreneurs, nonprofits, creatives, and innovators who are changing the world! Oh, and did I mention: not only can CSI members recycle, but there is also onsite FOOD SCRAP collection for COMPOSTING!!

If you're in the NYC area, stop by to say HELLO! :-)

Thursday, October 06, 2016

My Coaching Manifesto 2.0

The seasons have changed since I last wrote. Summer feels like a blur to me. I've been doing lots of personal development work through my holistic coaching group, as it has been a period of transitions ... a series of new moons and full moons through which I've been reviewing what is important to me in my business, and in my life.

The good news is that I had the opportunity to revisit my Coaching / Business Manifesto that I shared earlier in the year. This 2.0 version comes via a second exercise led by my coach, Dawn Copeland, to tease out those factors that excite me and propel me to thrive in my business.

Once again, I'm excited to share this 2.0 version of my Manifesto with you. I'd love to hear your thoughts and reactions. Also, feel free to post a link to your Manifesto if you have one!

Coach Colette - Manifesto 2.0

I am a transformational coach and speaker.

I believe in possibility.

What I know for sure is we can change the world ... together.

I love working with passionate leaders who are doing good in the world.

I dream of the day when the world and our planet is healed.

I was born to speak, heal, and help that to happen.

I've never been happier than when I witness the A-HA moments and see the sparks of light in my clients' eyes.

I feel most alive when I'm speaking and sharing my message of possibility.

I shine when I am serving my tribe within a community of support.

If I had a super power it would be seeing into people's hearts and cutting through the B-S to get to the core issues at hand.

I work best when I have a supportive team and community.

What I want most in the world is to leave a legacy of healing and sustainability.

I can help you go within to reconnect to your purpose and lead your team with compassion and confidence.