It’s so easy to get information and stay connected these days. As an entrepreneur, I recognize how important it is to stay in touch – with clients, colleagues, as well as friends and family. As a stress management coach, however, I often wonder how our wireless tools truly impact our ability to manage and reduce our stress. Do we really need to be reachable anytime, anywhere?
How often do you spend during the day without any communication devices? Could you make it through one day device-free? I’m talking about no phone, no mP3 player, no laptop, no TV, no PDA, no computer. Maybe it’s not a practical suggestion; but I invite you to take me up on my challenge for as long as you could stand it.
What would you do with all that silence? How about quieting your mind? It’s a quick stress-reducing exercise. Want to learn how? When you can, find a quiet space and then:
- Close your eyes and slowly relax your limbs to let go of the tension in your muscles.
- Slowly breathe in and out to the count of four.
- As you breathe slowly and relax your limbs, focus on a word such as calm, sky, ocean or peace.
- Concentrate your mental energy on your word as you continue deep breathing. If other thoughts come to mind, let them pass through. Refocus on your word and continue to breathe and relax.