Friday, January 26, 2007

Top 10 HOT Jobs for '07

It's 2-for-1 Friday! Actually since it's so COLD outside (brrrr!), I thought you might be staying in during lunch and looking for more interesting career info.

Fast Company has posted its take on the Top 10 HOT Jobs for 2007. Since one of the key components of the Competent Advantage TM program is Know Your Market, I thought it would be useful to share this with you. Two jobs that were of particular interest to me were:
  1. Viral Marketers
  2. Bloggers
They both have a similar underlying premise -- the ability to gain people's attention and convince them that they should listen to what you have to say. These jobs may make us all look differently at those who excel at spreading gossip around the office! :) Seriously, as you look back on your career (or even your personal life), have you been good at creating a buzz? Perhaps one of these jobs might be right for you. In any event, you may want to check out the linked article on using blogs to launch your career.

Fast Company suggests that "it takes a creative soul with an endless amount of determination and innovation to thrive in these [hot] fields." Review the list, and take time to envision your ideal career situation in terms of the role/position, environment and work/life balance. You might get lucky and find out that your Competent Advantage TM lies in one of these new growth areas!

Women can WIN in 2007

Happy Friday! I just came across a NEW blog launched by Deloitte & Touche USA LLP to support its Women's Initiative (WIN). The blog is designed to focus on work/life issues for women (and men).

It's hosted by Cathy Benko, Principal and High Technology Sector Leader for Deloitte Consulting LLP and National Managing Director of Deloitte's Initiative for the Retention and Advancement of Women.

What I think is cool is that the blog used to be internal; now, they've opened it up to enable other professionals to benefit from the dialogue and idea exchange. WIN was launched at Deloitte 12 years ago. As a woman who's spent the past 7 years in consulting (internal and external), that says a lot to me about their commitment to the advancement of women in the industry!

Ladies, what has your company done for you lately?

Friday, January 05, 2007

New Year, New Focus, New Stress?

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you had wonderful holiday celebrations.

You can't turn around anywhere these days without seeing (or hearing) an ad about New Year's resolutions. Recognizing that it sometimes can be hard to settle back into "reality" after a holiday break, I wanted to take a bit of the pressure OFF as you begin to refine your focus for the new year.

Don't get me wrong -- I'm all for reflecting back to plan ahead (like described in the last post). By the way, if you haven't already, I'd suggest you take a look at as a resource for your goal-setting (you can get online reminders) for your action items.

I just don't want you to become overwhelmed by the magnitude of your resolutions. I did a Google search on "Stress & Resolutions" and came across some great tips on They include not taking on too much and congratulating yourself when you achieve something (a personal favorite because it's so easy to forget and move on to the next thing).

This year, we'll be talking more about stress and the impact on your professional success. After all, how can you Discover Your Competent Advantage TM if you're too stressed to take the first step?! Keep an eye out for more information on our NEW stress management program.

Also, be sure you've signed up for our newsletter so you can get the dial-in numbers for the Work & Money tele-series to negotiate a better 2007 Bonus on January 17 and January 23 at 8:00 PM EST.