Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Are you PROUD of your job?

According to a Harris Interactive poll, the top five professions with the most prestige are:
  1. Scientist & Doctor -- 52% (for both)
  2. Firefighter & Teacher -- 48% (for both)
  3. Military Officer -- 47%
  4. Nurse -- 44%
  5. Police Officer -- 40%

We're all affected by public perception of ourselves (even if we don't like to admit it). When you go to a networking event or social function, are you excited to tell others about what you do? Do you proudly talk about your company and your role or position?

In the Competent Advantage TM program, we discuss the benefits of aligning your work with your personal drives and motivators. Simply put -- when you're excited about your doing your job, you're more likely to make an effort to do it well. Even if it means you have to learn something new or discover innovative ways to solve your workplace challenges.

We also talk about the importance of Creating a Buzz about what you do. If you're motivated by your job, you're more likely to tell others about it -- be it your manager, colleagues or friends. The buzz starts when people begin to associate you with specific accomplishments. Then, the buzz spreads as they tell MORE people about you, and so on ... Now, you're really humming!

Don't forget to "buzz" us about your career moves via the Competent Advantage TM survey!

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