Thursday, August 14, 2014

What's Your WHY?

So much of what we do comes down to WHY -- even if we're not consciously aware of it. The more you tap into your WHY, the closer you can get to what really matters to you. My WHY to support the American Heart Association is because I want my mom to continue living a healthy life -- and NOT be impacted by a stroke.

My grandma died suddenly of a stroke, and it was devastating for me. Since then, my mom has changed her diet so that she can manage her blood pressure and other vital functions. As a health and life coach, I have no problem with her healthy eating and living habits. I'd just love for her once to not be so concerned about sodium in meals when we go out for special occasions. She's a real trooper -- has an inner strength that I've only just begun to really recognize. It just would be nice to take that concern off her plate, if you will.

So, that's my WHY for creating a team for the AHA Brooklyn Heart Walk coming up on Sunday, October 5th.

What's your WHY to join us to walk or support our efforts?

Monday, August 04, 2014

Help Women Leaders WIN in Berlin this October

Have you ever applied for something ... almost on a whim ... and thought "This is such a long-shot, but I'll throw my hat into the ring just for fun!"? Well, that's what happened to me with my WINConference Speakers Proposal. WIN stands for "Women's International Networking," BTW.

I've been receiving emails about WIN's women's leadership activities (including Corporate Network, Development Fund) and conferences for a few years now. I've been inspired by their mission to help women "run companies and initiatives with noble values, and to fully live their lives with beauty and enthusiasm." WIN seeks to accelerate change by developing, empowering and connecting women leaders to a global, authentic and feminine vision.

In the back of my mind, I always had the desire to participate in a WINConference; yet I never acted upon that desire -- until recently. For some reason, THIS June, I was prompted to submit a proposal to offer my Mindset Reset for Business training as one of their workshops. And, I guess I forgot that when I ASK the universe for BIG things that will benefit others, I can RECEIVE exactly what I request.

Which brings me to the purpose of this post. I'm seeking backers, supporters, and sponsors to make this goal a reality -- so I can accept my invitation to present Mindset Reset for Business at the 17th Annual WINConference in Berlin, Germany this October 1-4!

I've created a sponsorship campaign on Indiegogo (my first!) to help fund the journey "across the pond" to Berlin. It includes several specially-priced PERKS of my coaching products and VIP coaching sessions. Click below to learn more.

YOU can become part of this authentic, global vision for women! Give if you feel inspired! Spread the word to your network! And, DANKE -- THANK YOU for your support!!