Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How to Uncover Your Blind Spots: eBook Excerpt

I can't believe it's already late-September -- either back-to-school time or end of the 3rd quarter, depending on your perspective. And, even with the best intentions back in January, are there some things that haven't gone exactly as you had planned?

We all know, life happens! Yet, have you ever considered whether there was something you did (or didn't do) to get in your own way during the year? Perhaps not making a decision, or waiting too long to take an action, or even a miscommunication with someone? I know I've had a couple of conversations even I wish I could do over ... yes, remember, the coach is human too!

Sometimes, we're not even aware of our action (or inaction) until after the fact. If you begin to notice a pattern of these occurrences in your life, you may be beginning to uncover one of your blind spots -- these are behaviors, beliefs, and/or communication styles of which you're not consciously aware, usually until someone gives you feedback about them.

Last week, I explored how to uncover your blind spots in an article on HowToLearn.com. The article actually includes an excerpt from my Focus on Your Vision eBook and is called: Watch Out For That Blind Spot: What You See Isn't Always What You Get.

HowToLearn.com is the largest learning site online catering specifically to parents, teachers, homeschoolers and their students -- with over 1 million visitors each year. 

You can read my Focus on Your Vision excerpt about how to uncover your blind spots on HowToLearn.com, and then get a copy of the full eBook (so you can do the activities on your Kindle or iPad) on Amazon.com -- it's just a $2.99 download! Let me know:

  • What blind spots have you begun to uncover? 
  • How has this discovery changed your life and/or your relationships?
  • What will you begin to do differently from now through the end of the year?
Share your comments here on the blog or feel free to tweet me on Twitter!