We all know, life happens! Yet, have you ever considered whether there was something you did (or didn't do) to get in your own way during the year? Perhaps not making a decision, or waiting too long to take an action, or even a miscommunication with someone? I know I've had a couple of conversations even I wish I could do over ... yes, remember, the coach is human too!
Sometimes, we're not even aware of our action (or inaction) until after the fact. If you begin to notice a pattern of these occurrences in your life, you may be beginning to uncover one of your blind spots -- these are behaviors, beliefs, and/or communication styles of which you're not consciously aware, usually until someone gives you feedback about them.
Last week, I explored how to uncover your blind spots in an article on HowToLearn.com. The article actually includes an excerpt from my Focus on Your Vision eBook and is called: Watch Out For That Blind Spot: What You See Isn't Always What You Get.
HowToLearn.com is the largest learning site online catering specifically to parents, teachers, homeschoolers and their students -- with over 1 million visitors each year.
You can read my Focus on Your Vision excerpt about how to uncover your blind spots on HowToLearn.com, and then get a copy of the full eBook (so you can do the activities on your Kindle or iPad) on Amazon.com -- it's just a $2.99 download! Let me know:
- What blind spots have you begun to uncover?
- How has this discovery changed your life and/or your relationships?
- What will you begin to do differently from now through the end of the year?
Share your comments here on the blog or feel free to tweet me on Twitter!