When you attend a networking event, are you a connector or a vampire?
If you don't know the difference between the two, then you should definitely tune in online Friday, December 30 at 8 pm ET as I share my strategic networking tips with Sophie Gold, as a guest on Life, Love & Tequila. Her co-host will be Melissa Wildstein, co-founder of 'PRENEUR.
It's been said that it's not WHAT you know but WHO you know. In today's New Normal of rapid change and pervasive technology, your challenge is figuring out how to strategically expand your network and make new, lasting connections -- fast! Sounds like an oxymoron, right? Well, with the right coaching you can learn how to tap into your network, create compelling messages that empower your connections to make the right introductions, AND know how to return the favor!
Join the event to participate live online and ask us a text question to share your biggest networking challenge or best networking success story of 2011.