Check out these pics from the June 16 Launch Party of the CRAVE New York Guide held at the beautiful home of Joan Hornig, founder of Philanthropy is Beautiful. Merging women's passions for jewelry and giving back, her company's unique model leverages the "power of the purse." With 100% of the profit on every sale donated to the charity of the purchaser's choice, women are empowered to use beauty and fashion for the benefit of others.
And, Joan is just ONE example of the savvy businesswomen in this guide!
None of this would have been possible without the vision and tenacity of Melody Biringer, founder of The CRAVE Company. A self-professed startup junkie with more than 20 businesses to her credit, Melody understands that when encouraged to thrive, local businesses enhance communities and provide rich experiences not usually found in more mass-market enterprises.
She believes that being an entrepreneur can be the most rewarding and thrilling choice a woman can make in her career. If you'd like a peek into this sister's entrepreneur mind, check out her NEW book: CRAVING SUCCESS for the up and down lessons of being an adventurous, independent businesswoman!
And, by participating in this launch, I've realized that anything can be possible -- by leveraging the expertise, resources, and talents of like-minded people.
In the guide, when asked: What business mistake have you made that you will not repeat? My answer was: "Thinking I could do it all by myself." In 2011, I've really learned that asking for help (and also sharing what I'm up to ... or would like to be up to) does show strength and it allows others to contribute their talents to create even BIGGER, better possibilities!
Plus, stay tuned for my upcoming book signings and events on my page!