Fall has definitely arrived here in New York City. Although you may wonder how I even know this given my recent travel schedule - now that the PLA Tour has resumed! Last week, I was hanging with the librarians in Minneapolis -- ironically during the big Vickings-Packers game, and the first Twins-Yankees playoff game.
Here in the Big Apple, the leaves are beginning to change and fall from the trees. There's a distinct chill in the air that I can feel as the wind blows through the bulky sweater I've now started to wear over my clothes. ANYHOO, I thought I'd leverage the theme of change and give the blog a fashion-forward makeover, LOL!
You'll notice in the header that I've included the logo for the Competent Advantage TM Career Workbook. I thought it might be helpful for you to see the model on a regular basis, to give more context to my article posts. I've also re-ordered some of the links on the right toolbar - to give you a better sense of why I've included them. They are primarily links to other resources, like my podcast channel, aStore (book recommendations) and partner websites. Take a look at the changes on the blog, and let me know what you think!
I'll be traveling the country through November, mostly facilitating leadership and communication sessions for the rowdy librarians! :-) So, please don't feel like I'm ignoring you. Feel free to follow and tweet me on Twitter so we can stay in touch more often. OK? Cheers, Coach Colette