Monday, August 24, 2009

Support our Komen NYC Team, Get FREE Career Tools

I've decided to create a fantastic offer to help YOU AND the 85 Broads NYC/Tri-State Chapter team for Komen Race for the Cure.

From today through RACE Day (September 13, 2009), I'll give away one FREE Competent Advantage TM Assessment or e-Workbook, or one FREE Stress Management Health Assessment to anyone who supports my $250 Challenge for the Komen Race for the Cure.

If you are able to contribute:

  • Up to $15.00 you will receive a FREE Competent Advantage TM Career Assessment

  • From $16.00 to $25.00 you will receive a FREE Stress Management Health Assessment

  • From $26.00 to $30.00 you will receive a FREE Competent Advantage TM Career e-Workbook

For more information about these tools, please visit our InStep Consulting Online Shop.

All you have to do is visit my Komen page before September 13th, make a pledge to contribute and send a copy of the email that confirms your contribution. Send the confirmation to []. (Limit one FREE tool per donation.)

Thanks in advance for your encouragement, support and participation. Together we will Run Breast Cancer Out of Town! Regards, Coach_Colette

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Coach Colette & 85 Broads Will Run Breast Cancer Out of Town

DID YOU KNOW? One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Breast cancer knows no boundaries -- not age, socioeconomic status, geographic location or ethnic background.

As chair of the 85 Broads NYC/Tri-State Chapter Health & Wellness Committee, I'm so excited that we have launched our FIRST annual team for the Komen NYC Race for the Cure!

On Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 9:00 AM, the Greater New York City Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure will hold its 19th Annual 5K Run/Walk in Central Park. On that day, over 25,000 New Yorkers (including over 1,600 breast cancer survivors) will come together to run breast cancer out of town!

How Can YOU Help?
  1. If you live in the New York area, become a part of our team. REGISTER online by August 31, 2009 at Be sure to click on the "Join a Race Team" tab and select the 85 Broads NY as the team you wish to join. Click HERE for the direct link.

  2. Consider making a contribution to support my $250 Challenge. DONATE online by October 31, 2009 by clicking HERE for the direct link.

  3. Encourage your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to support the Komen Race for the Cure. Share this post with your social networks.

While there is no minimum fundraising amount, if every participant were to raise $250, Komen Greater NYC would be able to award as much as $500,000 more in grants to local community breast health programs and provide more funding for research.

I'll keep you posted on the progress with my $250 Challenge and the 85 Broads NY team as a whole. And, I'll be thinking about how to prepare myself for the race day. I haven't decided if I will walk or run .... any suggestions? Tweet me your ideas!

Thanks in advance for your encouragement, support and participation. Together we will: